Harnessing The Power and Simplicity of Nature
Give us a Shout!
We are always happy to be of service to you!
Whenever our business office is closed you can always place orders online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Business Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9:30am - 4:30pm NZST
Friday, Saturday & Sunday - Closed
Business Office Phone: (09) 439 4366 OR (021) 081 24805
If the answering machine picks up during business hours, we are probably making soap... so either leave a message or please call again!
If you have placed a pick-up order you will be contacted vie email when it is available for pick up. Pick-up times are during our Business hours only, unless otherwise organised.
Interested in stocking our products?
We're interested in stocking you!
Please do get in touch with us if you are interested in having some of our products on your shelves!
Ruth and Lyree of SweetHome Boutique.
Dargaville, New Zealand
Flick Us An Email!